To get a sampling of Benjamin M. Weilert’s writing, check out these free resources!

Be sure to pick up a FREE copy of The Ascent of the Writer just for signing up for my monthly newsletter! It contains most of these free poems, articles, and short stories.

Articles and Essays

HarvestDowntown Church Magazine

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Blog

The Oredigger [Colorado School of Mines Newspaper]

*note: articles with this asterisk are satire.


  • AlabamAdventures – A personal blog detailing his life in Alabama from 2009 to 2011.

Short Stories

The Right Hand – We all know the story of Jesus presented in the Bible, but do we ever think about the stories of the people who intersected with Him? What would cause the thief crucified with Him to rebuke the other criminal? This story attempts to fill in the gaps to paint a richer picture of a thief affected by Jesus’ ministry. Live reading of “The Right Hand” below (start at 1:09:00):



PoeTidbits – a few poems written during college and shortly thereafter (hosted on the AlabamAdventures site).