Audible isn’t the only way to distribute an audiobook

Over the last two months, I've covered how to create noise-free audio files and what it takes to produce said audiobook. However, the best voice acting and production values in the world won't mean a thing if nobody has a chance to purchase your audiobook. As with most things on the internet, the de-facto place to get audiobooks is Amazon. More specifically, the Amazon-owned Audible service. Amazon's Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) is the one way for self-published authors to get their books into the ears of Audible listeners. Still, it's not the only way to distribute an audiobook. Having never created an audiobook before, I was worried that my recordings wouldn't meet the quality standards of ACX. I knew First Name Basis was a test to determine if I could successfully self-publish my book via Audible, but what if they didn't accept it? I had put in a lot of work to make sure I had created an audiobook I was...
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