Why I like Self-Publishing

Ten years ago, I learned how easy it was to self-publish. Not only was it "free," but I was able to hold a physical copy of the largest thing I had ever written. I have since written larger books and expanded into eBooks and hardcovers (and maybe audiobooks in the future). I did try to get into traditional publishing to see if I could do it, but I found the systems in place too bizarre for me to continue pursuing it. This meant I was left with the first choice I went with when I published First Name Basis: self-publishing. Since I don't make a living off my writing, I consider it a fun hobby to do in my spare time. After a few weeks of therapy to get over imposter syndrome and my unhealthy focus on sales, I've come to love what self-publishing allows me to do: hold a physical copy of a story I created. Granted, I still want...
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