After a few years of the pandemic, 2022 felt like a return to some norms for me. Conventions were back in full swing, and I could engage with a lot more people in person compared to 2020 and 2021. I was still quite busy getting new stories out—as well as providing new forms to classic ones. I expanded my engagement with local stores this year and now have my books available for purchase at Young Bookworms in Colorado Springs, while still continuing my partnership with Sanctuary Inspired Goods in Old Colorado City. In case you missed any of my announcements this year, here’s everything I did…


Second to None (10th Anniversary and Audiobook versions)

Having completed the 10th Anniversary edition of First Name Basis last year, it was only natural that I continue with the 10th Anniversary edition of Second to None. This expanded version includes character sketches by Robin Childs, the relevant portions of the appendix from the Fluxion Trilogy collection, and a reworked portion of Chapter 4 (aka “the sideways chapter”). Similarly, now that I figured out my process for making audiobooks, I eventually got the Audiobook version of this book up on Audible. It’s also available as a digital download, 6-CD set, or USB flash drive.

Buried Colony

After a self-imposed delay in 2020 to fix some issues with this manuscript, I finally released my hard sci-fi novel, Buried Colony, this year. Written in 2017, I kept seeing portions of my vision of the future come to fruition with each year that passed. I had to get this book out, and this was the year it finally happened. If you’re a fan of Andy Weir’s books (like The Martian and Project Hail Mary), you’ll want to pick this one up. Buried Colony looks at some challenges of using current cutting-edge technology to transport humans outside our solar system. Challenges like how to deal with artificial intelligence, let alone the varied cultures of the explorers sent to the far end of the galaxy.

The Forgotten Shifter Files (Kami’s Curse)

One reason I wrote Autocomplete for my 2021 NaNoWriMo challenge was that I had a few short story ideas I wanted to get out of my head. As luck would have it, I expanded one of those stories, Kami’s Curse, into a novella that was published in The Forgotten Shifter Files anthology this year. This anthology doesn’t have your standard werewolf fare but focuses on different shifters like Kami—a young girl whose body can turn into paper and who uses this power to fold into different animal shapes to enact her vengeance on the man who killed her family.

The Physics of Equus Monoceros

Using what I wrote in the Autocomplete story that answered the question, “Are narwhals nars or whals?”, The Physics of Equus Monoceros focused on a woman trying to complete her mother’s research on the link between narwhals, rhinoceroses, and unicorns. While this short story didn’t make it into the anthology I submitted to this year, I’ll keep it around and will eventually publish it in another short story collection (a la The Ascent of the Writer) if it doesn’t get picked up in the next few years.

Goldie Locksmith

My 2022 NaNoWriMo project, originally titled Architect, evolved from a thriller into more of a romance as I wrote it. The result was the steamy Goldie Locksmith. This year, I used the Save the Cat method to outline this book. The plot remained close to what I envisioned, but the “thriller” bits didn’t seem as thrilling as I thought they would be since I ended up focusing more on the relationship between the two main characters. Still, I like this modified “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” retelling and will let it sit for a bit before I go in and make the needed adjustments so that I can send it off to some beta readers to strengthen its romance genre ties.

Blog Posts

Now that I’ve realized my blog focus is mostly about being an indie author, I had plenty to write about this year:

  • January: 2022—More of the Same
    While I published the two books I wanted to this year, it took a while to figure out some projects, putting them on the back burner for later.
  • February: Selling Books in Brick-and-Mortar Stores
    You don’t have to be traditionally published to have your books in physical stores. Here’s how to do it.
  • March: The Case for Conventions [PART 1/2]
    Selling online can be a challenge, which is why selling at conventions has a personal connection that is quite rewarding.
  • April: The Case for Conventions [PART 2/2]
    When you’re around other authors (or artists) at a convention, it’s a great way to network and expand your reach to other readers.
  • May: Audiobooks by the Author
    Professionally narrated audiobooks are great, but authors who record their own can sometimes cut down on rework.
  • June: Writing Shouldn’t be Solitary
    We all write words alone, but developing or joining a community of writers is key to remaining encouraged in the hard times.
  • July: You Should Write Short Stories
    Need to test out an idea? Want to try writing a different genre? Short stories are a great way to explore stories and get your work out there.
  • August: Expand Your Writing with Different Genres
    You might have a great idea for a story, but it doesn’t fit in the genre you usually write. Don’t limit yourself to just one genre!
  • September: Be a Voracious Consumer of Stories
    Writers should definitely read, but movies, TV shows, and video games are ripe with excellent stories as well.
  • October: Why NaNoWriMo Works for Me
    A concrete goal with a firm deadline that only takes up one month of the year? That’s how I get my first drafts done and still live my life.
  • November: What is the scope of your success?
    Chasing success might lead to heartbreak, but it also may be a motivator to extend yourself and push your limits.

With a newborn joining my family in the next month, I’m unsure how many of next year’s writing goals will pan out. There are a few surprise projects I want to do early in the year, but we’ll see if my sleep-deprived state will allow for such things. Either way, tune in for what I have in store for 2023.

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